How a car accident, medical labels, chronic insomnia, bipolar, depression, ADD, sexual abuse age 3, rape/ pregnancy/abortion at age 15, failed romantic relationships, emotional meltdowns, financial ruin, weight gain, becoming obese, loss of my yoga body, undetected Traumatic Brain Injury for 10 years, prescriptions, side effects, hospitalizations visual impairment, being lied to, cheated on and put in Jail– by the man I loved and his obese married lover, death of a dear loved one, and all my physical clutter, years of therapy… studying the bible and biblical principles, led me to brain games and researching the brain, where I found #NeuroGym and #JohnAssaraf, which unlocked my mind to new possibilities for living.

That was a mouthful.

I am revealing myself boldly to you right now with the intention that my crazy detailed story will shake up someone who is stuck right now and release them maybe not with the pile up that I experienced, nonetheless, we all get stuck if we don’t have the right programming. I want to impress upon you that where you are right now is just temporary and what is beyond the right now is so much better if you can bear with identifying that you do have some baggage that is holding your back from achieving your full potential. You might be stuck in the same situation or one of the parts of the situations that I found myself in just a short while ago. So pay attention and listen up, cause this is really important.

What I used to tell myself in my mind, with my own words, repeating over and over in my own mind were these exact statements…

"I’m an obese 2X, overly medicated fat blob zombie drooling in a chair."

"I’m suffering from chronic insomnia."

"I don’t have time to exercise…with all these doctors appointments."

"I’m not going to be able to teach yoga like I used to, that’s impossible."

M"y brain can’t do math and logic like I used to be able to."

"He’s going to leave me."

"I don’t want my family to take care of me."

"Nobody wants a fat obese yoga teacher. My clients aren’t going to take me seriously."

Simultaneously, I spent years listening to doctors and therapists tell me something was wrong with me while they kept me stuck on medications and side effects and a belief that I was "Less Than" 
–and that I was supposed to be "ok" with existing in these medical labels, going to the doctor 3 to 5 times a week and THIS depressing life situation that didn't jive with me.
In that time capsule, I had no idea that I was attracting those exact negative situations over and over with those specific thoughts. And those thoughts, were not the whole “total truth”.
I changed my hair and hair color. Underneath it all I was sad and depressed.

Me, obese size 2X. Look how fat my face was.

I was uncomfortable in that obese body and I was blue even though I pretended to be ok.

Don't tell me what everyone else told me, "You're crazy you look so cute." Or "You look normal." I had a tire around my waist and I looked like the Michellin Man. I couldn't move or do yoga or dance the things I loved to do. I was depressed all the time! I had difficulty going to the bathroom (pooping) because all the meds made me constipated and when I sneezed I pee-ed myself, my skin was oozing out zits and had red bumps all over my body and I was in chronic pain and I was not sleeping. That was "NOT normal" by any means.

THIS picture of me is me as "my normal fit athlete yoga body" at a size 2 (XS) that I was used to having my entire life. Long lean muscles, strong abs, the ability to practice yoga, run, dance, sit in meditation for hours and wear whatever I wanted in confidence.

What those negative thoughts created in my experience was blocks that stopped me from losing weight, instead I gained more weight, no matter how physically hard I tried with my strength. My mind was against me. I created more insomnia and more restless nights of tossing and turning. I went to more therapy and the therapists kept me stuck by triggering the same situations over and over without any solutions. The overwhelm of all of this created more thoughts of suicide and more overall feeling of being stuck. The more I complained about my horrible reality, the more of that horrible reality I got.
I had attracted the worst-case scenario romantic situation which resulted in my then boyfriend who started out being the most incredible sensitive man to a jerk who lied to me, broke into my computer, cheated on me with an obese married woman and I got my heart broken. I felt hopeless and helpless. Maybe you can imagine what I am talking about? I was hurt, I felt so betrayed. With a desire to help other women NOT get messed up with him or her, I posted a warning on FaceBook “Don’t get involved with “these characters” and the result, 3 months after the posting, I found myself in a jail cell at a Women’s Detention Center on my knees for “harassing them”. I learned an important lesson talking to the other women in jail: They weren't so different from me. They fell in love, were betrayed, got hurt, thought up negative crap and did stupid things that landed them behind bars. That jail cell was a major intersection for me and my life. 


That’s who I WAS.

TODAY I AM back to being me. I AM a healthy fit size 6. I have lost 147 pounds, that’s a whole person that I have removed in weight!!! I AM completely medication free by choice. I AM eating raw vegan and vegetarian meals daily. I AM sleeping soundly and easily. I AM living in my beautiful apartment alone that is simple, clean, organized and easily maintained. I AM managing my secure credit card responsibly. I have paid off some of my debt. I AM saving money and investing in my dreams. I have a plan to become financially independent. I AM learning about credit reports and background checks and taking steps on repairing my past. 
I AM aware of my income and expenses and I AM making daily adjustments. I AM an entrepreneur, visionary and artist. I AM a Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Public Speaker. I have started up my business with a new focus and a new plan and my life is amazing. I AM envisioning the life that I want to live with my vision boards and daily affirmations. I AM taking daily action steps towards reaching my dreams and goals. I AM enthusiastic and filled with joy. I spread encouragement and inspiration to others. I AM patient and kind. I AM setting healthy boundaries in all my relationships with people. I AM moving forward with my relocation plans. (These "I AM" statements are my actual daily experiences.)

THIS is who I AM today.

This is me September 29, 2017

This is me September 2017 without any makeup.

Every yoga teacher talks about being on the path and enjoying the journey. Let’s pause here. Regardless of my expertise in health and wellness, I didn’t know how to repair my brain. My brain was the real cause of my problems. Now I see that from the brain retraining in just 6 months!!! What I have accomplished in 6 months at an accelerated pace is as if years have gone by and I am somewhere totally different. And I AM now at peace with myself.
I AM a living example that I AM and I CAN move beyond the car accidents, medical labels, chronic insomnia, bipolar, depression, ADD, repressed memories, sexual abuse, rape, Traumatic Brain Injury, failed romantic relationships, liars, cheaters, jail time, criminal record, breakups, death, physical clutter, therapy and thoughts of suicide. Anyone who is willing to get to the core issues, can move beyond crazy circumstances and various obstacles and create a new life of purpose and possibility. You have a choice. You don’t have to stay stuck . Even if right now, you are in that self -imprisoned cocoon that you have created for yourself unknowingly until now.

You can think I’m crazy and leave it at that. You can stay stuck where you are and be content there. Or you can fly like the butterfly that you were designed to be. In order to fly, first you have to dig deep into your issues so you can let go and this brain retraining program provides a platform and structure to do that. See if the program will work for you. It works for everyone.
With my background of people taking advantage of me, trust me, trusting strangers can be very uncomfortable for me. I completely understand what it feels like to love and trust someone and to be mistreated and to feel the anger, sadness and grief of yet another failed relationship. And I also know what it feels like to clearly communicate “NO!” and have people violate my boundaries. And the only person I can truly control is myself. I trust John Assaraf and NeuroGym and that speaks volumes.
I also know what it feels like to look in the mirror and really hate yourself and your body and wonder how is your life ever going to get back to a level of normal, because being obese and overweight takes a toll on you, mentally, physically and spiritually, I know. I promise you, you will get your life back. You will get your body back. You will get order in your life, order over your home, car, possessions. More importantly you will get your mind on the right track. And by getting your mind into a place of clarity, you will be able to discern what is the next right step for you. And it will be better than you imagined it to be. And you will stretch yourself to new dimensions and you will be surprised at what you manifest and how quickly your life takes shape by applying these proven techniques.
I guarantee that this brain retraining will help you if you do the work and put it into practice.
The Details.
My authentic truth
I’ve been hiding my authentic truth because before the brain retraining, I didn’t know what my authentic truth was. Reviewing the dots in my lifetime: the sexual abuse, the rape, the car accident, repairing my body, loss of my business, being obese, all medical labels, all failed relationships, jail, financial ruin, my traumatic brain injury, my criminal record, and not being able to get a job. I saw the patterns. “I don’t want to talk about THAT negative stuff.” Then my brain got unlocked. And Spirit said, “I want you to now share your authentic story so you help transform millions of souls. They need your story.” I knew Spirit was right. I’ve been afraid to really share my story. On some level, it’s been comfortable hiding. It’s now time to raise the bar and come out of hiding. If my story can help transform one person or one nation and help individuals experience “Outrageous Transformation,” that I have experienced already, then I will have followed the Holy Spirit’s urging.
What was underneath it all. I was suffering from repressed memories of sexual abuse when I was 3 from my uncle. Then I was raped at age 15 by my best friend which resulted in pregnancy while I was a dancer at the Baltimore School for the Arts, and having a child wasn’t part of the plan. To have the baby or not challenged my idea of who God was and my fear of God’s wrath, and honoring my parent’s decision for me to have an abortion challenged my beliefs of understanding of the 10 commandments and put me at odds with God and with trusting my parents. And not sharing any of this with any of my friends made me feel like the oddball teenager/adult with a secret. All the shame that I carried within me turned into trust issues, anxiety and depression and isolating from others. But I didn’t understand that then.

This picture in red yoga outfit is me age 34
 living in CA as Master Yoga Teacher.

On the outside I kept it all together. I was a beautiful flexible dancer and yogi. I was a good student. I studied hard. My books were my friends. I loved learning. I connected with friends but I got bored easily with their inability to understand what I had unlocked spiritually and the adult challenges I took on unknowingly. I had been given many spiritual gifts of seeing energies, being an empath, talking to angels. As much as I opened my heart to others, I got trampled on. I started to think, “If I’m going to get these negative results, then I want none of it.”  Without realizing it, I pushed away my spiritual gifts.
While stuck in the obese funk that I found myself in as a 2X fat person, the situation became a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more I complained about how bad my situation was, the more weight I gained. I looked and felt horrible. The more heavy, greasy bad vegetarian food I ate to maintain the medications. I begged my psychiatrist to look at my yoga video, I pointed “THIS is me! Help me get back to me.” He was shocked, he had no idea of my yoga abilities. “THAT! is you?” My actual food intake was minimal. My issue was binge eating due to depression, mostly around my period. The real issue was the medications, the side effects of the medications and each time the medications were changed I gained 40 to 60 pounds!!! It was a roller coaster of gaining, losing a couple and gaining way more. I was so ashamed at who I had become physically. The isolation I felt was paralyzing. I was lonely. I missed my yoga clients and fans and VIP lifestyle and the trust my clients had in me that had disappeared.
As for the financial challenges, I was used to making lots of money as a business owner as a yoga teacher. I had gigs at gyms, yoga studios, hospitals, universities, corporations and privates. I was rolling in the money living comfortably, when I was actively teaching. During my dry spell while on medications being “Fat Obese Zombie Bipolar Depressed Me”, my parents encouraged me to get on disability and social services. Let me tell you, educated white girl sitting in social services is not treated very nicely. The social injustices and racial attitudes experienced was very uncomfortable. They lost my paperwork so I had to write it out again and drop it off again and mail it again. The office for career retraining offered me a scholarship then told me I had to do job search first. I realized that the system that my family insisted I get into was a system that was designed to make me fail. It was a "Win/Lose Scenario". There are so many restrictions. You can only earn so much or you'll lose your benefits. You're not allowed to have over this much money in the bank. It is a dead end system and I was in it. I complained so the result was more of the same outcomes. I didn’t understand that I kept creating the reality I didn’t want. 
I had accepted a sleep study challenge and became a cognitive behavioral therapy client. Part of my treatment included brain mapping scans. They asked me what I was doing on these specific days. I looked at my calendar and I noted that I had practiced yoga and meditation those days when I had the best days. Do more of that they said. So I did. They never told me why. They withheld the scientific reasons why from me. All of a sudden, I started being able to do more self-care activities. Then my motivation came back. I learned to relax more. I learned how to manage my money with a limited income and it became fun. I started practicing a brain games routine and I first I was totally frustrated because I was doing so poorly. My brain started to work slowly due to the traumatic brain injury, then I got better over a year. And then I started to research “online brain training” and that’s when I found the Brain ReTraining program with NeuroGym. My memory improved. My brain started to repair itself and I took a hold of hope and didn't let go.

The Deal is…
Our brains can be repaired and reprogrammed to better realities. Our mind is very powerful and can create whatever we want, just like the movie The Secret talks about. All the problems and temporary circumstances that we all deal with on a daily basis – pretty much disappear when we understand this principle and the Law of Attraction. Envisioning the life that you want to create is what you need to fill your mind up with and to focus on what you want and to take all the necessary action steps to move forward in that direction.

By focusing on what you do want, that is how you reprogram your mind to create what you do want. Then everything changes.

IN THE PAST, I was obese and was hindered by medications and side effects. NOW I AM fit and within the healthy range for my height, weight, age. I AM medication free. All the prior side effects are gone. My hair is growing stronger and thicker. The chronic insomnia is gone. My energy is replenished. And I just keep getting stronger and more fit with the vision that I have for myself around what fitness means to me.
ALL THE NONSENSE of Bipolar, Depression, Suicide, the Drama, is gone. All the negative thoughts I used to tell myself are replaced with positive brain retraining, new healthy tapes I am programming in my mind on purpose. In just 6 months, I have moved mountains. That unhealthy relationship that I couldn’t get out of, is over. I walked away. Praise the Lord. I have transformed my apartment to be an efficient sanctuary. My yoga studio is under construction with ¼ remaining boxes of stuff to deal with. I have sold off other assets. I AM getting clear on my money story. I AM creating an incredible business, following great business blueprints. I AM now a certified Life Coach, earning more. I AM learning new marketing strategies and overcoming all types of obstacles that used to literally paralyze me. And I AM beginning to see my financial future grow. I have an emergency fund. I AM creating prudent reserves and investing in myself and my business future. I AM being invited to be guest speaker nationally and internationally to share my experience.

Being a yoga teacher, yes, I have taught and recommended mantras and guided meditations. This brain retraining is different. It’s a scientifically proven system for programming your mind to reach your highest potential. There is no fluff in this. It’s the same mind training Navy SEALs, NASA astronauts and Olympic athletes go through — some of the most mentally tough people on the planet. I’ve personally taught power yoga to Navy Seals in California, and those guys are machines because they have programmed their minds to respond quickly and efficiently! New developments in neuroplasticity, is the mind’s ability to remorph itself into a force that relentlessly and effortlessly pulls you toward whatever outcome or result you want. Have you ever heard the saying, “Wherever the mind goes, the body will follow?” Well that’s exactly what this is.

So that is the short version of my complicated story. Enough about me.

Watch this short video clip about the BrainAThon.

So what about you?

Can you imagine coming out of the darkness that you are in right now?

There is a light at the end of the long tunnel. And there is a structure and easy pattern to follow.

Now here’s the best part about all of this…

The trainers behind this program, which is called NeuroGym, are hosting a completely FREE online event called the BrainAThon where you can see what all this is about and experience it for yourself.

This annual LIVE BrainAThon event is held completely online…all you need is your laptop or desktop computer and you are in, where-ever you may be.

John Assaraf, founder of NeuroGym, has brought together eight of the world’s top brain science experts for this ONE DAY event to show you how you can upgrade your brain…upgrade your income…upgrade your life…just like I did.

This brain training is a life changer.

It changed my life. It got me unstuck from where I was to where I am now. And I'm committed to moving forward and reaching all of my goals.
This year there will be eight of the world’s most respected experts sharing some remarkable ways to turn your mind into a powerful force that drives you towards a life that you maybe can’t even imagine right now.
I watched last year’s BrainAThon and was blown away by the content and practical applications. I thought I’ll just take a look, I was glued to my laptop for 7 hours straight!!!
But I promise you, after you see what they have to show you, you’ll look at life differently.
Even if you’ve tried and failed before…even if you think it’s impossible for things to change…all I’m asking is that you Register here, tune in, tune up and keep an open mind.

There’s absolutely NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. Just take the time to at least register here and attend for 30 minutes. If after those 30 minutes you don’t see how this can help you, just log off.

Over 1,000,000 people have attended the last five Brain-a-Thons. And they only happen once a year.
If you don’t do it now, if you don’t at least check it out, you’ll have to wait another year to get this chance again.
Will things still be the same for you when it comes around again?
Please don’t miss this opportunity.

I pray that you will put aside all your excuses, put aside all your complaints and just do whatever it takes to show up this Saturday October 7, 2017 and give yourself the full day to receive the gift of clarity. It will change your life.

Ann Hyland
Life Coach, CPLC
Yoga Teacher, ERYT
Raw Vegan Chef and Health Coach, IARFCT
FaceBook Page
Proud VIP Member of NeuroGym

Luke 10:27 “And he answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.’”

And as a bonus from me, Ann Hyland, for Registering for NeuroGym’s BrainAThon… I'm going to give you a 30 minute private video Life Coaching phone call.

I'm encouraging you to...

Stand tall...Be who you are.
Embrace joy...Grow here in this moment.
“Breathe, Move and Relax.”
© AnnHyland

I want you to seriously ask yourself this question:

Today, right now, how do you feel about your life?

Are you content?

Are you living your fabulous life or are you stuck?

Be honest with yourself and take the next right step and Register.
By registering and signing up for the #NeuroGym #BrainAThon,

I am adding a special Life Coaching bonus session of 30 minutes with me, Ann Hyland Life Coach,

Schedule a session of 30 minutes over the phone with a video phone call, Life Coaching session (using Messenger Video, FaceTime, Google Duo or Line) with me Ann Hyland.

Are you ready to…

• Unlock your genius?
• Move beyond your blocks?
• Express who you truly are?

Let me help you transform. As a Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, Meditation Instructor, Raw Vegan Chef and Health Coach, I have an incredible ability to see and help you see what you don’t see by asking key questions that give you the “Ahaha” moment so you can move forward and manifest the life that you want. My specific expertise is in health, wellness and fitness and moving beyond obstacles.

What are you willing to give up to get – what you say you really want?

Share your Name, Email, Phone and best time for your coaching call to

Extra Bonus

You will get my “I Don’t’ Have Time to Exercise: Mind Trap” pdf
Filled with before and after photos and Practical Tips you can start doing today that will help you get unstuck with yourself.

Join my email and receive health and fitness tips that are practical and useful.

Share your Name, Email, and Message: MIND TRAP
to receive “I Don’t’ Have Time to Exercise: Mind Trap” pdf


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